Thursday, February 28, 2008
Chapter 8 Reading Notes: Important Points to Focus On
BA47 Career by Design
Chapter 8 Reading Notes
Lecture 5
“A Challenge is an opportunity in disguise.”
“Stress is the spice of life. Who would enjoy a life of no runs, no hits, no errors?” Hans Selye
“Embrace the man-splendored colors, revel in the wisdom and the power of a different race and culture; invite it to spill over you.” Bill Schulz.
1. Let us Identify the sources and reasons for discrimination
2. Describe ways to handle discrimination
3. Explain Affirmative Action
4. Recognize sexual harassment and list appropriate actions to take
5. Discuss what can be done to facilitate employment for parents
6. Identify addiction to work and explain reasons to avoid it
7. Alter perceptions about time and find time to achieve goals
8. Provide reasons for procrastination, identify positive procrastination, and avoid chronic procrastination
9. Describe the symptoms and effects of burnout
10. Discuss ways to overcome burnout
11. Identify stress and stressors
12. Differentiate between healthy and unhealthy stress
1. Handling Career Challenges: they are inevitable in the world of work. We will talk about predictable tribulations.
2. Discrimination? It is defined as being treated unfairly. It is making a distinction against against someone on the basis of the group, class, or category to which that individual belongs. Although discrimination is illegal, it still exists. And you may experience it when you apply for a job. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reports an increase in the filings of discrimination cases. Religious discrimination --- Up 21 percent; age discrimination – up 14.5 percent; National origin discrimination – up 13 percent. On the job, you may be a victim of discrimination. Privileges and promotions can be unfairly awarded. See the textbook’s example at the bottom of page 304. Some statistics: Forty-five percent of minority executives said that they’ve been targets of a racial or cultural joke, and 59 percent had observed a double standard in delegation of assignments (Mehta, Chen, Garcia, & Vella-Zarb, 2000).
3. Question: “Have you ever been a victim of discrimination? What did you do?
4. How to Handle Discrimination? Accept your uniqueness and use it to your advantage. Explain and camouflage. Cover your tattoo. Just cover up your uniqueness. If you do not land a position, assess the situation rationally. EEOC can help you if you honestly believe that you have been a victim of discrimination. Its laws are both preventive and punitive. Created to enforce the act, it investigates, complains, seeks conciliation and files discrimination suits.
5. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) makes it illegal for employers with more than 15 workers to discriminate against people with physical and mental impairments. Another preventive program is Affirmative Action. See page 306. There is a perception of reverse discrimination. It moves barriers. “A minority status is not enough to get a firefighting job . AFFIRMATIVE ACTION does not guarantee that any other type of person, minority , or a female will get a particular job. It does guarantee, however, that everyone will have an equal opportunity to compete for available jobs” Jose J. Soto, J.D., Vice President for Affirmative Action/Equity/Diversity, Southeast Community College, Lincoln Nebraska. . GIVE REASONS FOR AND AGAINST AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. SEEK TO GET ACCURATE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS TIMELY ISSUE. Equity issues will continue to exist for some time. Erasing past injustices takes time and effort.
6. Laws are in place to prevent, protect, and redress injustices.
7. Sexual Harassment (See notes on Sexual harassment. Share it with the class). Harassment behaviors are unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment is present when submission or rejection of such behaviors is made a term or condition of employment; is used in employment decisions; or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. How to Avoid Being an Harasser? Answer: Just assume that off-color jokes, sexual inuendos, and advances are not welcome; realize that a “no” means a “no.” Have clear communication. Faulty communication can lead to a perception of harassment.
See page 308.and 309. (Object to discrimination, Document and Report it.)
8. Family Issues/Balance: Traditional family roles called for only one wage earner. The other person, usually, the woman, took care of the family and the house. Those days, for most, are over. The increase of women in the workforce and changed attitudes have contributed to the shift. Since the tragic events of Sept. 11, a survey found that “Young men are more willing than women to give up pay, powe, and prestige to sepdn more time with their families. …Failure to achieve balance leads to higher stress levels, increased family problems, and lower life satisfaction. Many dual-career parents are able to develop what is called “Shared or Egalitarian marriage” in which roles are flexible, household and childcare responsibilities are fairly shared.
A. Addiction to work or workaholism is a compulsive, single-minded dedication to a job to the exclusion of almost everything else. It is obvious that workaholics do not win in the end. Addiction to work is not compatible with a happy family life. Our society tends to smile on hard work. Employers are likely to promote the addictive behaviors. The drive to excel is instilled in most human beings during childhood. Excellence is rewarded, and addictive work behaviors are reinforced. The American society reinforces the concept of “work, work, work.” (Australians and Europeans receive four to six weeks’ paid leave.)
9. Time Management: Create time for yourself. When you feel overwhelmed, it is difficult to enjoy even the best of jobs. Creating an environment and structuring your activities so you can work effectively and efficiently.
10. Finding Time: Start keeping track of exactly how you are currently spending your time. Think of the routines in your workday. How can you make time by cutting down?
11. Defeating Procrastination; Reasons for procrastinating. Effectively manage the difference Pages 316, 317 to guide you.
12. What are some of the sources of stress? A. death of spouse B. Divorce C. Marital separation D. Jail term C. Death of close family member. Take charge of stress by adopting “Psychological hardiness.” Embrace the following personality characteristics of hardiness to stay well
a. A strong commitment to self and various areas of life
b. A sense of meaningfulness or purpose
c. the attitude that change is challenging and invigorating
d. An internal locus of control (I control my life. I am responsible for what happens to me.)
A. Remember that worry is one of the internal stressors. It is a feeling of unease or tension. It is needless. Academic success, social relationships, health, finances and career building can cause you to worry. See ways to decrease worry on page 326 in Key INFO
B. What is the difference between Worries and Concerns?
Answer: The difference lies in your ability to do something about potential problems. Concern leads to action, while worry arises from feelings of powerlessness. People who worry usually do not act; they fret and multiply the stress they already have.
Chapter 8 Reading Notes
Lecture 5
“A Challenge is an opportunity in disguise.”
“Stress is the spice of life. Who would enjoy a life of no runs, no hits, no errors?” Hans Selye
“Embrace the man-splendored colors, revel in the wisdom and the power of a different race and culture; invite it to spill over you.” Bill Schulz.
1. Let us Identify the sources and reasons for discrimination
2. Describe ways to handle discrimination
3. Explain Affirmative Action
4. Recognize sexual harassment and list appropriate actions to take
5. Discuss what can be done to facilitate employment for parents
6. Identify addiction to work and explain reasons to avoid it
7. Alter perceptions about time and find time to achieve goals
8. Provide reasons for procrastination, identify positive procrastination, and avoid chronic procrastination
9. Describe the symptoms and effects of burnout
10. Discuss ways to overcome burnout
11. Identify stress and stressors
12. Differentiate between healthy and unhealthy stress
1. Handling Career Challenges: they are inevitable in the world of work. We will talk about predictable tribulations.
2. Discrimination? It is defined as being treated unfairly. It is making a distinction against against someone on the basis of the group, class, or category to which that individual belongs. Although discrimination is illegal, it still exists. And you may experience it when you apply for a job. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reports an increase in the filings of discrimination cases. Religious discrimination --- Up 21 percent; age discrimination – up 14.5 percent; National origin discrimination – up 13 percent. On the job, you may be a victim of discrimination. Privileges and promotions can be unfairly awarded. See the textbook’s example at the bottom of page 304. Some statistics: Forty-five percent of minority executives said that they’ve been targets of a racial or cultural joke, and 59 percent had observed a double standard in delegation of assignments (Mehta, Chen, Garcia, & Vella-Zarb, 2000).
3. Question: “Have you ever been a victim of discrimination? What did you do?
4. How to Handle Discrimination? Accept your uniqueness and use it to your advantage. Explain and camouflage. Cover your tattoo. Just cover up your uniqueness. If you do not land a position, assess the situation rationally. EEOC can help you if you honestly believe that you have been a victim of discrimination. Its laws are both preventive and punitive. Created to enforce the act, it investigates, complains, seeks conciliation and files discrimination suits.
5. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) makes it illegal for employers with more than 15 workers to discriminate against people with physical and mental impairments. Another preventive program is Affirmative Action. See page 306. There is a perception of reverse discrimination. It moves barriers. “A minority status is not enough to get a firefighting job . AFFIRMATIVE ACTION does not guarantee that any other type of person, minority , or a female will get a particular job. It does guarantee, however, that everyone will have an equal opportunity to compete for available jobs” Jose J. Soto, J.D., Vice President for Affirmative Action/Equity/Diversity, Southeast Community College, Lincoln Nebraska. . GIVE REASONS FOR AND AGAINST AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. SEEK TO GET ACCURATE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS TIMELY ISSUE. Equity issues will continue to exist for some time. Erasing past injustices takes time and effort.
6. Laws are in place to prevent, protect, and redress injustices.
7. Sexual Harassment (See notes on Sexual harassment. Share it with the class). Harassment behaviors are unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment is present when submission or rejection of such behaviors is made a term or condition of employment; is used in employment decisions; or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. How to Avoid Being an Harasser? Answer: Just assume that off-color jokes, sexual inuendos, and advances are not welcome; realize that a “no” means a “no.” Have clear communication. Faulty communication can lead to a perception of harassment.
See page 308.and 309. (Object to discrimination, Document and Report it.)
8. Family Issues/Balance: Traditional family roles called for only one wage earner. The other person, usually, the woman, took care of the family and the house. Those days, for most, are over. The increase of women in the workforce and changed attitudes have contributed to the shift. Since the tragic events of Sept. 11, a survey found that “Young men are more willing than women to give up pay, powe, and prestige to sepdn more time with their families. …Failure to achieve balance leads to higher stress levels, increased family problems, and lower life satisfaction. Many dual-career parents are able to develop what is called “Shared or Egalitarian marriage” in which roles are flexible, household and childcare responsibilities are fairly shared.
A. Addiction to work or workaholism is a compulsive, single-minded dedication to a job to the exclusion of almost everything else. It is obvious that workaholics do not win in the end. Addiction to work is not compatible with a happy family life. Our society tends to smile on hard work. Employers are likely to promote the addictive behaviors. The drive to excel is instilled in most human beings during childhood. Excellence is rewarded, and addictive work behaviors are reinforced. The American society reinforces the concept of “work, work, work.” (Australians and Europeans receive four to six weeks’ paid leave.)
9. Time Management: Create time for yourself. When you feel overwhelmed, it is difficult to enjoy even the best of jobs. Creating an environment and structuring your activities so you can work effectively and efficiently.
10. Finding Time: Start keeping track of exactly how you are currently spending your time. Think of the routines in your workday. How can you make time by cutting down?
11. Defeating Procrastination; Reasons for procrastinating. Effectively manage the difference Pages 316, 317 to guide you.
12. What are some of the sources of stress? A. death of spouse B. Divorce C. Marital separation D. Jail term C. Death of close family member. Take charge of stress by adopting “Psychological hardiness.” Embrace the following personality characteristics of hardiness to stay well
a. A strong commitment to self and various areas of life
b. A sense of meaningfulness or purpose
c. the attitude that change is challenging and invigorating
d. An internal locus of control (I control my life. I am responsible for what happens to me.)
A. Remember that worry is one of the internal stressors. It is a feeling of unease or tension. It is needless. Academic success, social relationships, health, finances and career building can cause you to worry. See ways to decrease worry on page 326 in Key INFO
B. What is the difference between Worries and Concerns?
Answer: The difference lies in your ability to do something about potential problems. Concern leads to action, while worry arises from feelings of powerlessness. People who worry usually do not act; they fret and multiply the stress they already have.