Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Review Guide for Chapter 1
Findings related to career satisfaction, Relationship between career satisfaction and understanding of the self, physical self, physical appearance as a factor in career success, wellness, mental self, intelligence and multiple intelligences, rationale for curiosity, thinking (creative thinking and critical thinking), attitude, difference between positive and negative attitude, optimism and pessimism, self-fulling prophecy, cognitive restructuring, emotional self, components of emotion, ways to change how you feel, emotional intelligence, Daniel Goleman, components of emotion, ways to change how you feel, social self, integrated (whole) self, personality, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Extraversion-Introversion, Sensing-Intuition, thinking-feeling, judgment-perception, Holland's clusters and understanding, self-concept including descriptors, ideal self, and self-esteem, self-efficacy, transferable assets, value of interpersonal and communication skills, internal locus of control as contrasted with an external locus, assertiveness compared to aggressive and nonassertive behavior, ways of building self-esteem include: affirmations, positive self-talk, steps in cognitive restructuring, basic skills needed by employers, assets and liabilities in career development.